Teléfono: 982 303 299

Privacy Policy

After reading and accepting this Privacy Policy and Terms of Sons Galicia, you can enjoy these services.

Through the acceptance of this clause, you expressly agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Galicia as Sons User Subscriber or any media or services and / or products, whether free or paid, which consist of access to different information, content, applications, apps, stores, websites and e-commerce, video on demand or similar (hereinafter Services Sons Galicia) the Sons Galiza communication Group SL (hereinafter Sons Galicia) available to users on the internet:

For the correct understanding of this Privacy Policy and Terms of Sons Galicia, houses the following definitions:

The Sons Galicia ( consists Sons Communication Galicia SL located in Lot 18, Business Park Corgo (Lugo) as well as all its subsidiaries or affiliated companies registered in Spain or in the world.

The User and / or client will be that physical or legal access and / or use through the areas registered or free shipping, any sounds Pokemon by any means. By accepting this clause, the User accepts the Privacy Policy and Terms of Sons Galicia, reflected in the following explanatory.

Sons Galicia, covering services, products and promotional activities, whether free or paid, which consist of access to different information, content, commercial communications, publishing and corporate programs, stores, websites, e-commerce, video on demand or similar.

The Privacy Policy and Terms of Sons Galiza apply to:

Navigation User as it is done on any website Sons Galicia.

Access to User any of the contents through any other means or service Sons Galicia.

The navigation can be made from any device from which it allows access to the content or the Sons Galicia, such as computers, digital television, smart TVs, PDAs, Tablets, iPad, iPhone, mobile phones, Smartphones, subscriptions via RSS or any other means of access to content made available on the internet.

The navigation and enjoy Sons Galiza is performed from anywhere in the world, be they services located in the country of access or in another country.


1.) Compliance with the regulations in force

Sons Galiza guarantees at all times the integrity and full compliance with the obligations provided for by Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter the Act), its Regulation Development, approved by Royal Decree 1720 / 2007 of 21 December (hereinafter RLOPD), as well as by Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic commerce (hereinafter LSSI).

Sons Galicia maintains a privacy policy on personal data, which is described mainly use it makes of the Sons Galiza personal data, ensuring its confidentiality. User detail is reported to the circumstances of the use of essential data, and the security measures to be applied to prevent unauthorized third parties can access them.

Sons Galiza adopt the measures necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, or unauthorized access, given the state of technology in accordance with the Data Protection Law. However, the User must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

1 b) the controller

The personal data collected by Sons Galicia, will be included in a file responsibility Sons Galicia, whose contents can be accessed through the website of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

Upon registration in any of Galicia and Sons accept this clause, the User is empowering and giving their express consent for their data to be included in this file; however, consent has revocable.

Sons Galiza informs users of voluntary or mandatory of personal data that are requested in the registration form for use Sons Galicia. The announcement is made through visual cues such as floating windows, placing asterisks or symbols next to the information requested, or similar means as previously reported. The refusal to provide the requested personal data, the data delivery from inaccurate or incomplete data, could lead to the provision inadequate, inefficient, defective or non-provision of services and / or contents offered to users.

1c) The purpose of processing of personal data of Users

Provide a personalized service for User tailoring these services to your personal profile, professional and consumer products, as well as their preferences and tastes.

Providing, managing, administering, extending and improving the services and / or contents offered on the websites of the group, by analyzing the use of services by users.

Providing payment services always with the express consent of the User and in accordance with the conditions Sons Galiza contained herein.

Manage the products or services which the User can apply for free or paid.

Send information publisher Sons Galiza by any means of contact provided.

Noncommercial send communications such as greetings on special dates or sending information on the institutional Sons Grupo Galicia.

Actions advertising or market research and stay informed about the User products or services themselves or others by any means of contact facilitated the sectors of music, television, cinema, radio, communication, training and education, hospitality, finance, banking, distribution, sports, travel, insurance, NGOs, publishing, automotive, employment, real estate, weather, distance selling, energy, textiles, fashion, health, leisure, administration, mail, internet, social networks, sweepstakes, contests, raffles, games , video, and telecommunications.

Manage your participation in contests, sweepstakes, games and other promotional actions in accordance with the legal basis that regulates.

Design new services that may be of interest.

Manage incidents and maintaining Sons Galicia.

Any other purposes necessary for the development, compliance and control of the contractual relationship with the User maintains Sons Galicia.

1d) Types of data collected through Sons Galiza

Information provided by the User through the registration procedure in any of Sons Galicia. The User wishing to register Sons Galicia, must provide certain information such as: name, date of birth, gender, address, email address, phone number and details of means of payment, as well as more specific information about the User disclose that by answering that granted voluntarily during the registration procedure. All information provided will be aggregated and consolidated for each User, and used for the purposes stated above.

Information provided by the User through the registration procedure in some web of Sons Galicia, through some social network. In the event that the User accesses Sons Galiza using any application that connects to a social network with Sons Galicia, the User is authorizing that the network in question share some data Sounds like Pokemon are: User name, email address, date of birth, gender and location, interests and profile picture using the social network. For more information about the method by which data is shared with social networks, must consult the privacy policies of the social network in question.

Information collected through the use of services Sons Galicia: A statistical purposes and advertising, control the use of our pages, and receiving and opening our emails, and to increase awareness about the interests of the User, collected data use and navigation related aacerca that uses the Service User, as used, when, what type of User is, or if he agrees to an email sent by Sons Galiza or an advertisement displayed on any Sons of Galicia. These data include information on the access device, the computer model, the operating system version, unique device identifiers, and data on the mobile network, including, where appropriate, the phone number. You may get Sons Galiza and store certain information in server logs automatically. This data may include: detailed information about how to use the User Sons Galicia. This information consists of the IP address, information about the device’s User and failures, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, the date and time of the request and referring URLs, cookies (as explained the cookie policies that identify the browser User. the registration of any Sons Galiza implies acceptance without reservations of cookies policy.

Information on the territories from which originates connection Sons Galicia, to check the availability of rights to display for certain audiovisual content.

Users shall, in any case, the veracity of the information provided and become responsible for communicating any changes Sons Galiza ourselves through this email: getting Sons Galiza exempt from any liability in this regard.

1e) data shared with third parties

Sons Galicia, whenever has the consent of the User, will share its data with the Group companies Sons Galicia, in order that each of them can adjust the information commercial, editorial or institutional which he refers to the Users.

For the measurement of web traffic, Sons Galiza uses external providers (Google) that use cookies to analyze what happens on our web pages. The User may consult Cookies Policy Group Sons Galiza at all times. More information about the privacy policy of these solutions:

Google: http: //é/intl/é_ALL/analytics/learn/privacy.html

Sons Galiza can also host advertising itself or ad networks. This publicity is shown by servers that use advertising cookies used according to the cookie policy to display advertising content related to users to provide advertisements about goods and services that are of interest.

The registration of any Sons Galiza implies acceptance without reservations of cookies policy.

In case of doubt or controversy regarding our privacy and protection of personal data the User can contact us addressing the following email address:

1.f) Minors

Those under 14 should not register Sons Galiza without consent of their parents or guardians.

Should Sons Galiza detects users who may be under 14, reserves the right to request a copy of your ID or equivalent document, or, where appropriate, authorization of their parents or guardians.

1.g) Users’ Rights

The User can modify their profile and their preferences for commercial shipments, revoke their consent and exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition addressing Sons Galicia, via email to indicating the email address used in registration, proving his identity with a scanned copy of your ID or equivalent document, and specifying the right you want to exercise.

The right of cancellation requested before Sons Galiza has no effect on the products or services they had contracted with some of the Group companies Sons Galicia. To cancel the products or services contracted with some of the Group companies Sons Galicia, must follow the procedure specified in the relevant contractual conditions.


Using Sons Galiza implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy and these conditions as well as the specific conditions that may apply and that will always be available with selected services and form part of the agreement with Sons Galiza using Sons Galicia.

2.A) User

The User is provided a password to proceed to the registration that is responsible, pledging to make a diligent and confidential use of it.

The User will not create other accounts to benefit and / or abuse of the benefits and services offered to users of Web Sons Galicia.

The User agrees to notify the owner of the website corresponding Group Sons Galiza the use of his account by another person not authorized by the User.

Should you wish to cancel the registration as a User of any of the websites group may cease his account by sending an email to the following email address

Should Sons Galiza judged not to be respected stipulations and conditions that are committed to fulfill by the acceptance of this clause, shall cancel the User account. Such termination shall be made on a discretionary basis by Sons Galicia and without notice. Sons Galiza in case of cancellation of User’s account shall notify this conclusion through an email sent to the account provided by the User to register, making him wonder what it came down as User due to the breach of the general conditions gathered in this exhibition.

2b) Contents

The contents are a multitude of information, services, programs or data made available on the websites to which the User has access, belonging to Sons Galicia or its licensors, to which the User may have access.

Sons Galiza by itself or as an assignee or licensee, owns all rights to intellectual property of the content of your web pages protected by copyright licenses globally by international copyright treaties, as well as the elements contained in it (which include, among others, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc .. .), which are owned by Sons Galiza or its licensors.

2-c) Use of portals

The User agrees to make appropriate use of content and services that Sons Galicia offers through their websites and character but not limited, to not use them to engage in illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order; disseminate content or propaganda of racist, xenophobic, pornographic, illegal, apology of terrorism or against human rights; causing damage to the physical and logical Sons Galicia, its suppliers or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other hardware or software capable of causing the aforementioned damage; attempting to access and, if necessary, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.

Users of any of the websites Sons Galiza are allowed to generate content in some areas of our websites, such content must respect the standards of behavior and / specific conditions published on our web pages. These standards are expressly accepted behavior to accept this clause.

Users are responsible for the content you generate on our websites, ensuring that they own the intellectual property of the same or the authorization of donuts The people of these licenses. The user generated content are conducted under their responsibility, without the possibility of future claims by the Sons Galiza these contents. Therefore, to the extent possible, procure ensure the quality of such content and the proper use of the Services limiting the anonymity of users in the content they generate.

Users are the owners of the intellectual property rights of the content generated by them on the websites of Sons Galicia, however if such content is published in any of the sites Sons Galicia is granted Sons Galiza a worldwide license to use, host, store , reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes made to adapt such content or that adapt better to the settings of the web Sons Galicia). This license does not expire nor prescribes the cancellation of the account as User Sons of Galicia.

The User may withdraw, modify, alter the content generated by him, in the webs of Sons Galicia.

Sons Galiza reserves the right to publish such content, as well as modify or edit them.

Sons Galiza reserves the right to remove any comments and contributions that violate the standards of behavior posted on our website and in any case violate the respect for human dignity, which are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, which go against youth or childhood, order or public safety or, in his opinion, did not prove suitable for publication.

The User undertakes to respect the rights of intellectual property owned by the Sons Galiza worldwide. The User can view the items and contents of web pages and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of your computer or any other physical condition that is solely and exclusively for their personal and private use, being, therefore, forbidden reproduction, processing, distribution, public communication, making available or any other form of exploitation for commercial purposes, as well as its modification, alteration or reverse engineering.

In the event that the User wishes to use the content of web pages for any other purpose other than as permitted by these terms and conditions may apply for written permission Sons Galicia, by postal mail to the address indicated ..

The User may not remove, alter, or manipulate any protection device or security system that was installed in any of the websites Sons Galicia.

Likewise, the User shall refrain from using the contents of your web pages to include another website.

Sons Galiza reserves the right not to store this content and excludes all liability for the loss of it.

If you detect misuses of their services by a User, Sons Galiza reserves the right to excluírlle thereof.

2-d) Limitation of Liability Sons Galiza

Sons Galiza acting in good faith and is not responsible, directly or indirectly, how many claims may arise from the quality, reliability, accuracy or correctness of the content stored on their web pages or other media.

Sons Galiza is not responsible under any circumstances for damages of any kind which may cause but not limited to errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of this website or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful content , despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to prevent it.

Sons Galiza reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its website, may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same as the way they are presented or located.

Should any of your web pages dispuxésense links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, Sons Galiza not exercise any control over such sites and content.

Under no circumstances Sons Galiza assume any responsibility for the content of any link belonging to another website, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, accuracy, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of these hyperlinks or other internet sites. Also the inclusion of these external links does not imply any association, merger or partnership with the entities connected.

Sons Galiza concluded all necessary contracts for the continuity of your web pages and will make every effort so that they do not suffer interruptions, but can not guarantee the absence of technological failures or permanent availability of their web pages and content services them and, consequently, does not assume any liability for damages that may be incurred due to unavailability and to access failures caused by disconnections, failures, overloads or network crashes attributable to non Sons Galicia.

Sons Galiza reserves the right to refuse or withdraw access to any of your web pages and / or the services offered without prior notice, to himself or a third party, to those users who violate these Terms of Use.

2e) Applicable Jurisdiction

The relationship between Galicia and Sons the User shall be governed by Spanish legislation in force and any dispute shall be submitted to courts that are legally competent.

Sons Galiza pursue breach of these conditions and any misuse of this web exercising all civil and criminal actions that can by law.

Sons Galiza may change at any time the conditions specified here, duly publicized herein.

The validity of these conditions shall be according to their exposure and are valid until they are modified by other duly published.
